Momentum has been moving away from an annual, competency and ratings focussed performance management approach, towards a coaching, forward looking approach with fewer forms. Taking a step back to consider the spirit and key philosophies behind your approach to performance is critical to ensuring you remain in tune with your people, how they are motivated; as well as market trends.
We assist our clients to align their performance framework to reflect their business strategy, culture and values.
An assignment of this nature generally includes:
A discovery exercise to really get under the skin of your culture, values, business objectives
A review of the current end to end process, including focussed calls/meetings with key stakeholders.
A review of all materials, documentation and tools currently in place.
A desk based review of potential frameworks/approaches across all levels of your business
A written report, with key findings and recommendations. We can also come in to present the report to key stakeholders for an additional fee should the client require.
If you would like to find out more, please contact us.