There are multiple ways of introducing and maximising the benefits of an apprenticeship programme and we are here to help you find the best fit for your organisation. We can work with internal stakeholders to identify opportunities for apprentices in line with business requirements and also help you create the business case needed for launching such an initiative. We understand introducing an apprenticeship programme is time consuming and can be complicated, so we will liaise with third party suppliers to understand offerings and regulatory requirements and do the research on funding available (including the claw back from the apprenticeship levy).
Once you know what you are looking for, we can use our knowledge to design suitable apprenticeship programme(s) (alongside accredited training providers). Crucial to the success of the programme(s) is the right apprenticeship infrastructure, such on-boarding, inductions, components of the programme, supervision, measurement, pastoral elements, and managing multiple office locations. All of which are aspects we can advise on, design and support you with.
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