Our client is a trailblazer for solicitor apprenticeships and a law firm with offices in over 50 countries operating on a global platform.
Purpose of the project
Jarred Consulting were appointed to design a process and supporting materials for both solicitor apprentices and training contract recruitment. Each process was independent but it was essential to ensure that all materials mirrored each other as far as possible.
We worked with the client to help shape their first step into the apprenticeship market. All team members were clear the programme had to be inclusive and accessible to all potential candidates regardless of background whilst also being seen as a legitimate route to becoming a qualified solicitor within the firm.
We created a plan for designing the process and assessment day that ensured the views of Partners, the potential candidate pool and graduate recruitment team were considered. We were involved in the marketing and attraction plan as well as the process for assessment. This approach resulted in recruitment activities that carefully mirrored the approach for graduate trainee assessment.
We held focus groups with sixth formers to ensure that the materials were relevant and attractive to the demographic as well as piloting the new materials (including a role play exercise and competency and strengths based interview) with them. We undertook training of the assessors to ensure everyone was fully onboard with the apprenticeship programme and understanding of the market, before we went live.
In addition, we also designed materials for use by the assessment centre manager to ensure a seamless assessment day that was rigorous and yet enjoyable for all candidates, providing a positive and informative experience for the students.
At the same time, we were commissioned to design graduate assessment materials including first round interview and vacation scheme assessment materials, along with vacation scheme supervisor guidelines.
The materials we designed included a hybrid behavioural/motivational/strengths based interview, along with a role play and case based exercise. The case based exercise we created is a new and innovative recruitment exercise providing a real insight into the work of the firm and thus a valuable marketing tool. Whilst providing this insight, the activity thoroughly assesses the candidates’ thinking style and ability to work with the law irrelevant of their academic background.
These new materials have enabled the firm to move to the decisions on training contract offers being made by a wider group of informed decision makers than was previously possible.
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