Summertime – a time when we look forward to some well-deserved time off. But what if it isn’t enough? For some, two weeks won’t take away the overbearing dread of going back to work.
Have we done enough? What harm is burnout doing to our workforce despite our efforts? What can we do as managers and leaders to prevent this from happening? It makes good moral and business sense to get these things right.
This is why a term like wellwashing is so valuable. It allows us to measure what we’re doing against how effective it is but what does wellwashing mean?
Think box-ticking exercises that:
- Address surface behaviour rather than underlying issues related to safety, belonging and recognition.
- Haven’t been explored with your people. Do you know what they need? Have you asked effectively? Have they been given a safe way to respond?
- Are inauthentic. How much do you care about the wellbeing of your teams?
Here are a few things to think about
- Burnout happens when the horse has already bolted. Giving someone time off to deal with it is one thing – fixing the problem that caused it is another. As an employer, you’re liable for both issues.
- Wellbeing done right boosts productivity and engagement but the power of its impact may take time. If you’re looking for instant results, you’re missing the mark.
- Great ideas stall without the strategy and resources needed to follow them through.
- Up your game to include the new demands of remote working. What new additional skills will your management teams need?
There are exciting new challenges and opportunities ahead. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be taking a deeper dive into how to avoid wellwashing and what you’ll need to meet these new demands.
Enjoy the sunshine today.