We all know that hitting the pause button isn’t just an enjoyable thing to do, it’s essential. It keeps us functioning, happy and healthy. So however much your summer vacation has cost this year, it has provided you with a priceless opportunity to rest and recharge.
What else is priceless? Having purpose, direction, support and a listening ear at work? When budgets are tight, it’s easy to let wellbeing slip but burnout costs the UK £28bn a year according to one report.
How much could this false economy be costing you?
Here are three invaluable things you can put in place that won’t break the bank:
- Tap into the wisdom and knowledge of a home-grown expert through mentoring. Not only will they be able to tailor-make training according to their mentee’s needs but they’ll also be able to guide them through the learning and implementation process.
- Keep your finger on the pulse by giving space for regular and meaningful feedback on workload, expectations, snags in the works and motivation. Create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable airing their misgivings and issues. Keep on top of this and don’t let it go when schedules are tight – it's a false time economy.
- Have genuine and proactive career development conversations. Don’t allow people to become bored and stifled in roles that no longer light them up. How can they move across or up? Map their progression and get them excited about their future with you.
Lift morale, protect wellbeing and inspire dreaming and achievement by drawing on the well of expertise and experience you already have.
Dig deep for those riches and they’ll reward everyone.
Have a great day
Have a wonderful day.