This month we’ve been looking at ways to get everyone excited about getting back to work in September. With autumn just a breeze away, it’s time to get creative about how we’re going to bring summer’s sense of freedom and ease into a busy, productive workplace.
By this, we don’t mean deck chairs and sangrias in the boardroom. We’re talking about how to boost enthusiasm, purpose, focus, innovation, and performance but in a way that doesn’t involve exhausting and stifling levels of anxiety, manipulation, or fear.
What if we were to leverage natural human curiosity and hunger for aptitude?
Sadly one survey found that 54% of workers said they’d leave if they didn’t feel like they belonged in a company. 72% of HR professionals are concerned about losing talent this year.
If the learning and development pot has been raided while you hope for the best and prepare for the worst, then it could be a costly decision.
What can you do?
- Invest in your people and they’ll invest in you. Be honest about where learning and development needs to sit on your priority list and reprioritise if necessary.
- Budgets are tight but it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing approach. Coaching just one key member of a team can have a wide impact, for example.
- If your management’s skills are rusty or out of touch then updating these will make the most of the people you have. Nurture the sense of belonging, psychological safety, and loyalty that puts you ahead of the competition by enhancing emotional intelligence skills.
It can be difficult to know what level of help you need and even where to start. At Jarred Consulting we start by having in-depth conversations about what your issues are, even when you’re not sure how to name them. It’s about investing in the future, even if you don’t know what that looks like yet.
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer.
Have a wonderful day.