Now is the time to close the gap between your wellbeing talk and walk.
According to Forbes ‘Gen Z job seekers are not backing down. They prioritise their mental and emotional health, and they want their future employers to do the same.’
It’s estimated that Gen Z will occupy 27% of the workforce by 2025 so your approach to wellbeing won’t just be the legacy for those you’re responsible for now, it will form a strong business strategy for the future.
Here are three ways to make sure you’re walking the talk.
- Be curious. What do you people want? Providing a self-improvement budget, for example, won’t take people as far as if you offer support and guidance to go with it.
- Be accountable. Trust and honesty run both ways. Remote working brings with it a whole new box of insecurities and anxieties for line managers to deal with but what does micromanaging, for example, do for relationships?
- Be custodians. An employee’s experience during their time with you is in your hands. What are you going to do to get the best out of them and what part do you play in their career?
Potential talent, investors and customers care about how you treat your staff but no one spots inconsistencies between intention and delivery like the people already working for you. They’ll also have a strong emotional attachment to the personal impact of you getting it right.
It’s a win/win for everyone.
Have a great day!